Hat on Hook Program

Hat On Hook is a 6′ x 8′ gallery located within Disjecta that is dedicated to showing single objects at a time in a looser timeframe than the main galleries. These works will range from contemporary objects and art video to archival items. The intention of the space is to allow for a complication, expansion, rebuttal or insight into ideas running through the larger exhibitions – although sometimes they will exist completely independently. Many of the objects were chosen based on their need for a more intimate, closer viewing that would be impossible in a group or larger exhibition. The title of the room comes from it being the size of a closet, a place where a resident curator can hang her hat and the act of exposing your head. Curated by Summer Guthery.


Tobias Spichtig

September 28 – October 11, 2013

Rob Halverson with Josef Strau

October 12 – November 3, 2013

Jessica Mitrani

December 7 – December 29, 2013

Jessica Mitrani’s single shoes belong to the realm of the everyday, coupling the fetishistic with the domestic.

Uri Aran

January 11 – January 24, 2014

Aran works in a variety of media, including sculpture, drawing and video.

Heidi Schwegler

January 25 – February 9, 2014

Schwegler explores a wide range of materials in the service of her subject matter.

Tatiana Kronberg

February 14 – March 2, 2014

Trained as a photographer, Tatiana Kronberg is interested in the negative space that surrounds the objects as well as the positive form that space implies when the thing itself is absent.